Awesome with Sprinkles

7 Simple Crafts to show Gratitude

Thanksgiving is a great time for sharing yummy recipes, eating delicious food, and spending time with loved ones. But it’s also a time to reflect and give thanks for all of the many ways we are blessed – be it our friends, family, furry companions, fuzzy slippers or wine (everyday I am thankful for wine). But seriously, most of us could probably stand to practice a little more gratitude in our day-to-day lives.

Being grateful is so much more than just having good manners. Scientific studies have shown that exhibiting a sense of gratitude year round can lead to a better quality of life. Showing gratitude to others often leads to better relationships. Gratitude reduces toxic emotions such as rage, frustration, jealousy, resentment and can even reduce aggression, depression and stress. Pretty cool!

“Recognizing all you have to be thankful for – even during the worst times of your life – fosters resilience.

We all have the ability and opportunity to cultivate gratitude. Simply take a few moments to focus on all that you have – rather than complain about all the things you think you deserve.  Developing an “attitude of gratitude” is one of the simplest ways to improve your satisfaction with life.”

– From the article “7 Scientifically Proven Benefits Of Gratitude That Will Motivate You To Give Thanks Year-Round

Gratitude is one of the most powerful tools we have at our disposal and it costs nothing. So why not take a moment to practice your “attitude of gratitude” with these creative crafts you can use to express gratitude during the holiday season and all year through.


1. Gratitude Stones

These cute and colorful gratitude stones from Fireflies and Mud Pies – using tissue paper cutouts and some modge-podge – are simple to make and something you could make as a gift or a tool to help cultivate and teach gratitude in kids (and adults too!)

2. Thankful hearts

These homespun fabric hearts are simply too adorable. Use them to decorate your home, or gift them with a special note, tucked into a gift basket or use as an embellishment on top of a wrapped present. I don’t know about you, but crafting can be as therapeutic as mediation for me, and these are the perfect easy craft to do while your relax and reflect. Get the DIY instructions from Live Craft Eat and head over to Lasso the Moon for a Thankfulness activity you can use them for.

3. Ways to say thank-you printables

If you’re not sure how to say thank you to a friend or family member this season, use this list of ways to say thanks from Shari’s Berries for inspiration! It not only covers 85 ways to say thank you, but even has printable cards, gift tags, and coffee collars for you to use to really go out of your way to practice gratitude.

4. DIY Gratitude Journals

Did you know that Grateful people sleep better? Writing in a gratitude journal each night before bedtime can help improve your quality of sleep and you may also sleep longer! I know that going to bed with good thoughts in my head always makes me feel better in the morning!

The Polka Dot Chair has a beautiful printable that you can stick onto your favorite notebook (and even make a few for gifts!) to instantly create a beautiful journal.

Or you can get this printable gratitude journal over at Kori Clark so you can create your own book!

5. Grateful sign

Really flex your DIY muscles and create this fabulous faux weathered wood Grateful-Thankful-Blessed sign tutorial from Artsy Chicks Rule. This would make a wonderful gift for someone you love, or a beautiful decoration for your home to serve as a daily reminder to practice gratitude.

6. Gratitude Garland

This Gratitude Garland not only adds a festive touch to your Thanksgiving decor, but it also can be used as an activity to practice gratitude as you fill out each flag with something you are thankful for. Get the free printable from Somewhat Simple and decorate your space with grateful thoughts.

7. Thankful Tree

A common Thanksgiving tradition, a Thankful Tree, is something that many families use to practice Gratitude during the Thanksgiving season. Our very own Detty turns her whole dining room into a thankful tree and each night before dinner they fill out a leaf with something they are grateful for that day. Snag our free leaf printables and get other great ideas for more ways to DIY your own Thankful Tree!


What are some of YOUR favorite ways to express gratitude on Thanksgiving and throughout the year?